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Weighing module

    Product number:Weighing module

  • Big classification: sensor
  • Small classification: Weighing module

1. The above price is factory standard.
2.FW series for the static load module, configure the SB-type single shear beam sensor; structure sub-fixed, semi-floating, full-floating, use to be used.
3.CW series as the dynamic load module, SB-type single shear beam sensor configuration for the transformation of the transmission device (a horizontal impact force occasions).
4.FWC series is stainless steel static load weighing module, the sensor material is stainless steel.
5.UW series is stainless steel static load weighing module, supporting corrugated tube stainless steel sensor.
6. The company can provide all kinds of non-nominal weight module and related application technology.
7. The price is ex-factory price; does not include freight, on-site installation and commissioning services.

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